Install Jekyll for github pages

Install Ruby Environment

  1. brew install rbenv
  2. Add "eval $(rbenv init -)" to the end of ~/.bash_profile
  3. Install a ruby version rbenv install 2.3.0
  4. Select a ruby version by rbenv rbenv global 2.3.0
  5. Open a new terminal window
  6. Verify that the right gem folder is being used with gem env home (should report something your user folder not system wide)

Install Bundler

  1. Select a ruby version locally for the folder you are located in e.g. rbenv local 2.3.0
  2. Verify that the right gem folder is being used with gem env home
  3. Run gem insall bundler
  4. Run bunlde install

Install Jekyll

  1. Run gem install jekyll

Create a new Jekyll site at ./myblog

  1. Run jekyll new myblog
  2. Change to the folder cd myblog
  3. Run bundle exec jekyll serve
  4. Browse to http://localhost:4000

Connect Github

  1. git init
  2. git remote add origin
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m "update site"
  5. git push -u origin master

Use an old site folder ./oldblog

  1. Change to cd oldblog
  2. Build the site and make it available on a local server bundle exec jekyll serve
  3. Browse to http://localhost:4000

Install Sublime Text 3 Jekyll Editor Plugin

  1. Press CMD + Shift + P
  2. Select Install Package
  3. Search Jekyll and install the latest version
  4. Change settings Preferences->Package Settings->Jekyll->Settings-User to add "jekyll_posts_path": "/xxx/newblog/_posts"

Write a New Post

  1. Select the Folder _posts
  2. Press CMD + Shift + P
  3. Search Jekyll New Post, and press Enter
  4. Input the File Name, e.g., “The First Blog”, and press Enter
  5. The Plugin will rename the file following the rules automatically.
  6. Edit the file, and use git command to submit or update.

Add a Comment Section

  1. Create an issue under your github page project, remember the issue id.
  2. Add comment_id: ## in the head area.

Add support of Mathjax via secure https connections

  • gem install kramdown
  • Change the markdown line in _config.yml to markdown: kramdown
  • Create a local js file named mathjax-local.js with script like this:
window.MathJax = {
     displayAlign: "center",
     displayIndent: "0em",
     "HTML-CSS": { scale: 100,
                   linebreaks: { automatic: "false" },
                   webFont: "TeX"
     SVG: {scale: 100,
           linebreaks: { automatic: "false" },
           font: "TeX"},
     NativeMML: {scale: 100},
     TeX: { equationNumbers: {autoNumber: "AMS"},
            MultLineWidth: "85%",
            TagSide: "right",
            TagIndent: ".8em"
  • Add the following script to _layouts/default.html, or to _includes/header.html:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/mathjax-local.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  • Mark any mathematics in your posts within a pair of $$s.
  • A test: \(x^2\).

